
About 2 weeks before, you begin to feel uneasy, queasy, nervous and fearful. Not your norm, but as a sensitive you know somethings off. So do the critters. As it gets closer you feel a certain heaviness to the air, the ground gives the feeling it wants to vomit. The best one can put it into words.

The horses were reluctant to leave the barn. Yeah, there's your sign. They poop in places they didn't before. The dogs were extra clinging, the cats nervous, leaping from window to window.

Birds act erratic, nervous flight, bickering and "alarm calls" abundant. Just before it hits, the normal chatter of the natural world goes silent, eerily silent and then it hits.

The wind sometimes blows with such powerful gusts here, the whole house buffets. A quick glance outside to still leaves on the trees lets you know, this is different. Many times one can feel a quake in the atmosphere before the ground quakes. Its like the crack breaking free deep in the belly of the earth, causes the surrounding atmosphere to take a gasp, relieving the heaviness that hung in the air.

At times, one can hear an ominous groan emitted from deep within the earth as well. It is a sub-bass tone, I would imagine it as the type of deep sounds elephants can hear.

Then the shaking starts. Some roll, some jolt. The jolts are the worse. They can toss you from bed, and knock you off your feet. That is why many large livestock often lay down when larger quakes hit, its safer just to ride them out that way.You cannot walk or run, if the shaking is violent enough, you have to ride it out where it drops you.

In the city streets can roll like waves, as the countryside. Power-lines arc as lines snap. Inside a home, windows rattle, shades dance, books fall, glass breaks, pipes burst and beams creak and moan. Birds usually get knocked off their perches. Trees outside do a strange "hula", not seen before. All souls emit a prayer that Pachamama eases her trepidation, no matter their belief.

Afterwards the endless aftershocks make one queasy. I never get sea sick, but during earthquakes the nausea is permanent until the earth settles.The jello earth can also induce vertigo. It is amazing what unsettled earth can induce.

Once stillness returns a new appreciation evolves. One that can cause a shift from human pin-hole perceptions  to a broader window of consideration for the "whole" and the fragility of life and all we hold dear.


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