
Showing posts from August, 2019


Its been a most wonderful summer. The bounty of the earth in full swing. It seems we are in the midst of harvesting, canning and freezing all the goodness that surrounds us. Rose petals infused and dried for further candies and lotions. Apricots, raspberries, Oregon grape, Elderberry, Cherries, pears, apples and more. Lovely visits from family, The Mountain Festival, the youngsters coming of age riding the tractor, ride mower and honing driving skills down dirt country roads just like we did out in the desert all those years ago. I am so happy to be in a place where kids can still grow in such freedoms! The Mountain Blue birds returned, along with many other summer favorites. I saw my first California Condor, what I sight, almost extinct, the 1,000 chick just born. How bankrupt my soul would be had I never laid eyes on that gigantic soaring wonder. Deer and Elk roam the neighborhood. They sleep in surrounding fields. Such Majesty they bring. Most creatures here