Winters Repose

The 1st red leaf of autumn fell Aug. 1, 2019.
I looked up at the Red Maple and asked her - How do you know?

Despite the pollution, one side of the Great Mother burns, the other side floods.
Chem trails, frying life with 5G, still, She knows.

All the creatures heeded the warning, feasting on Summers and Autumns bounty. 
Growing full coats, storing up supplies.

The 1st winter storms, more like those that come in January or February.
the creatures knew, humans and their computers, not so much.

Winter stillness the creatures heed,
Humans keep fanatic running, 
caving in to ego and greed,

The harshness of extremes call the sick and old home.
Traditional Chinese Medicine knows, the Jing carried in the kidneys,
the strength of your ancestors is spent.
There is only so much fuel in the tank.

The hardy survive, a chorus of birds begins to sing Spring back into being.

In the depths of winter, the shortest day is past, celebrations of light ring for the promise of Spring.

What some interpret as scenes of grey, lifeless death, is really deep restoration.

The heavy snow melts, a carpet of green sprouts.

I will always be in awe of Nature.


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