
It took Medicine Hat aka Pinky a long time to feel safe enough to lay down all allow communion.

Yet here in this place of grace, it finally happened.

I don't believe in "training" a horse to lay down.
That is a trick most surely to be misused in the horse world.
What I learned long ago, is to open a space so sacred and safe, beings feel at peace to release on such a deep level.The difference speaks for itself.

Shavasana, corps pose, let gravity do the work to bring the body back to balance after deep rest. Do we really know what that entails?
Do we really know how to allow that innate wisdom of the planet and universe to flow through us?
Once we open to that infinite and timeless wisdom like the land, plants and animals do,
we return to function with the planet and not against Her.
How many beings understand the power in that?
How many really want that?

What I call Equine Guided Healing has evolved since my early days.
Pinky and Belle are Master Energy workers. I just keep learning from them and translate for humans interested. Someday Little Dolly Madison will feel safe enough to lay down too and cuddle. 
I know of no higher medicine, with the exception of that the wild critters bring.
May such deep peace find you all.


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