
Showing posts from March, 2020

Snow on Cherry Plum

Snow on Cherry Plum A new flower essence was born, one that seems so relevant given the times. I was awestruck by the sight, a spring flurry of whimsical, fluffy snow draped the flowering cherry plum in a robe of white. A glimmer of pink shown through the opalescent covering. The pics really don't do justice. A sterile jar of clear water was placed in its crook the no touch method was used. It sat in its crook for night and day. till the snow melted away. I thought the next day, why? Edward Bach already had the flower essence Cherry Plum, known to ease the feeling of ones mind giving way. Then I recalled my impromptu proving of snow last year and it all became crystal clear. Cherry has a long history of easing the effects of "high living" in material form. The gentleness of essences impart a most delicate nuance of easing the stress many now feel with the world changes at such manic paces. Snow and its demand for stillness, as

Its Not the Bug

Quite the state we humans find ourselves in. You could smell the blood in the water for years, but human addicted denial reins supreme. It is never the bug, but a distorted vital force that allows disease. Welcome the pause. So many scared theories echoed through human pin-hole perception. So much contradictory ego babble coming from leaders and experts lips. The media so good at spooking the herd, watch em stampede. Quite the social experiment we are living. Last  years double earthquake should have had Californians better prepared. Then the Edison blackouts, the constant stress does not help when virulent strains are created - how ever they come about. Isolating social beings compounds the strain.. Science is splicing genes at an alarming rate, with very little regard to consequence. Many vaccines are genetically modified, when these modified bugs shed, they wreak havoc on those with natural immunity, the new bug is morphed and has its own agenda. When will we learn? Genetical