Its Not the Bug

Quite the state we humans find ourselves in. You could smell the blood in the water for years, but human addicted denial reins supreme. It is never the bug, but a distorted vital force that allows disease. Welcome the pause.

So many scared theories echoed through human pin-hole perception. So much contradictory ego babble coming from leaders and experts lips. The media so good at spooking the herd, watch em stampede. Quite the social experiment we are living.

Last  years double earthquake should have had Californians better prepared. Then the Edison blackouts, the constant stress does not help when virulent strains are created - how ever they come about. Isolating social beings compounds the strain..

Science is splicing genes at an alarming rate, with very little regard to consequence. Many vaccines are genetically modified, when these modified bugs shed, they wreak havoc on those with natural immunity, the new bug is morphed and has its own agenda. When will we learn? Genetically modified organisms have disastrous results on our food supply and health.

A curious news blurb about a year ago mentioned a CDC worker taking toxic vitals to China, then nothing more was said. Wuhan China is home to a biotech lab. Too late to cry over spilled milk.

The coronavirus has long been know to dogs, cats, horses, generally with gastrointestinal issues, this version has an affinity for for the compromised and the lungs. This bug is also known for its ability to spread in crowded and filthy conditions. Couple that with millions of people that rely on drugs that "reduce your bodies ability to fight infection" and mankind created a perfect storm where our modern conveniences and globalization bring us to a place of pause, refection and hopefully, sober choices that will awaken and inspire cleaner, sustainable living, on many levels. 

Where ever and what ever this pause leads humanity too, I hope you consider the following. Those coming from war damaged families and lands have sensed this before. The "commandeering for the greater good" tis why my damaged parents left Europe. Strange how no matter the government-ism, egomania and greed cause government and society to decay, a boring repetition, century after century, falling on the sword of our miasms, the corruption on our hard drives humans cannot seem to clear. Dare I say, civilization as we know it, is not so good for us.   

Yet the hardy and resourceful adapt and carry on. Its Nature. Its life.

 Instead of worry and fretting, revel that Nature gave us time to ponder, our actions, our distractions, our addictions, of which modern man has many.

This global event will change a host of things taken for granted. A new world order has been created. Might as well concentrate on loved ones, be they people, fuzzies, home, a beloved art or craft. Time has been given to hone soul longings.

Enjoy your stacation, if allowed, enjoy a simple walk on the beach, a hike on local trails, marshes etc. Get to know wildlife in your area, like they know you. Observe, let your feet lightly touch the ground, with reverence, listen with your whole body. Anything faster than a respectful walk and you miss too much. 

Sunshine imparts its immune boosting vitamin D, soak in those glorious rays.

Get to know and treat your body with regard. Get a good nights sleep, the kind where you experience a first sleep, then wake in the wee hours to commune with the Great Spirit, connect with others via the original ethernet (mind connections, thoughts and prayers). Restore the Circadian Rhythm, the body clock. The second sleep that follows will be deep and restorative. 

Those recovering from serious illness or injury would do well to invest in healing movement like Qi Gong (Mathew Cohen), Tai Chi, (Tommy Kirchhoff) and Yoga (Peggy Cappy). These can be modified to be done from a chair in cases of serious illness till the body recovers sufficiently to stand. For others, modern life births us into imbalance. Such slow and structured breathing and movement restores us on levels we didn't know we lacked, calming the mind and moving lymphatic fluid, creating a stronger immune system.

Hopefully, folks employed a liver cleanse, this optimizes immune function and digestion. Milk thistle is a fine herb to heal the liver as is eliminating alcohol, white flour, sugar, GMO foods, diary, soda, especially diet drinks, they are loaded with neurotoxins, etc. 

A deep Spring Cleaning of your environment equally helpful.

Stop eating dead, plastic food and chemically laden drinks. Nourish yourself deeply. Food is the best and the Original medicine. As leafy greens sprout this spring, give the body organic alfalfa sprouts. This has long been used as an herb to tone and strengthen depleted bodies. Sprouts also impart that new and regenerative growth cycle.

Garlic and especially red onions are antiviral. Herbs like oregano, rosemary, turmeric, basil season the pallet and offer antiviral properties to satisfying meals. Coconut oil too. Organic and raw are best, added to salads and meals.

Foods high in vitamin C, guava, pineapple, and peppers have more vitamn C than citrus. Some supplement with high doses of vitamin c, up to 5000mg. Be sure to build up the body slowly to such levels.

 Herbs like olive leaf, also provide antiviral help. Astragalus is wonderful herb I often suggest in the beginning of autumn. It tones the immune system and can be taken long term to rebuild exhausted systems.

Dandelion has been shown to inhibit the spike protein, eat it raw in salads, it can be juiced - often growing in your yard. A friend to the kidneys, liver and digestion.

Raw colostrum is often used to restore gut function and rebuild immune systems thwarted by vaccine damage and hidden illness like Lymes, Lupus and others. One of my go to supplements in cancer cases.

Reserve herbs like Echinacea for illness only as they will disrupt good gut bacteria. The same with colloidal silver, this must be 100ppm to be effective. Anything less than 100ppm will not work. Colloidal silver acts by disrupting the ability of certain pathogens to uptake necessary enzymes. Both Echinacea and colloidal silver should be used for no more than 2 weeks, followed by probiotics to rebuild  good gut bacteria.

Remember 80% of your immune system lives in your gut. raw, organic apple cider vinegar, kombucha, kefir, as well as fermented foods like kimchi, raw sauer kraut heal and restore proper gut function. Anyone taking antibiotics should include such foods for 6  to 12 months after to restore the gut. 

Elderberry too is an amazing friend in such times. it eases cough and soothes breathing. 

Other good things are juicing, if the body can tolerate it. Spirulina is also a good choice to deeply nourish frayed bodies. All these measures are helpful in the stressed times we are in. Green tea is also antiviral and a much better choice than coffee.

Essential oils of Eucalyptus aid the lungs and Tea Tree oil is a powerful assistant. Essential oils are not for ingestion, the mere aroma will benefit the body.

Some helpful Bach Flower Essences are Rescue Remedy a combination of several flower essences for stress, trauma and shock. Aspen for fears of unknown origin. Cherry Plum fear of mind giving way. Mimulus fear of known things. Rock Rose for terror. 2- 4 drops can be put into a bottle of water  and sipped throughout the day. for long term if needed.

A favorite Bach Flower Essence Blend to promote new patterns and learning is a combination of Chestmut Bud (learning new patterns), Elm (overwhelm), Larch (confidence) and Walnut (changes), add 2 or 4 drops of each in a bottle of water and sip throughout the day. 

Those lucky enough to have the benefit of homeopathy will have a stronger vital force to resist illness. It is never the bug, but the environment of the body that allows illness or health. If someday modern means remembers this basic health principle, we will be in a whole different place. This is why you must treat your body with respect. 

When the flu pandemic of 1918 hit, homeopathic hospitals were still available. They had a better success rate at curing the patients than the allopathic hospitals. The AMA did away with these, there is no profit in health.Thankfully the remedies survive, as those that know to use them. Work with an experienced homeopath , get a first aid homeopathic kit and learn to use it. Big Pharma has so slanted news, there a host of things to do that will help besides washing hands and social distance.

Limit news, breathe, move, treat the planet and all life with respect, as well as yourself. Don't cave to spooking the herd, this pause can inspire some very forward thinking and action if handled with grace.

Wishing you all the very best!

Related Reading:

The Pause, The Bug, Healing




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