New Vision



Today, I  awoke as always, to the dim, grey light of early dawn, giving way to its bluish hues, then emerging to the coral splash of light, creeping over the mountain tops, spilling onto the valley below as the sun makes a new day.


A small emerald jewel of a hummingbird bathes and splashes in the cool morning dew formed on a blood-red blooming rose. This little God will know more about "flower essences" than I ever will, still, I absorb and amalgamate the moment. 

I am blessed to"see" again, after a far too long period of being "legally blind". A most terrifying time, so many souls calling for restoration and eyes that couldn't rep anymore.With COVID delays I made peace with going blind, what else could one do? To fight was just a waste of precious energy, we morph, we adapt - that is Nature.

The surgery complete, all the remedies, fasting, juicing all convened to restore my eagle eye, 20/20 vision of youth in this year for reformation 2020. Best gift ever!

The old lens clouded by too many ugly things I didn't want to see anymore, gone. Just before the surgery, I did a ceremony with the remedy Emerald to say good bye to the part that sacrificed itself for the good of the whole. Welcoming what would be my new vision, sharper, clearer, my God, I have been compensating for so long...This pause, revealing all we have taken for granted, and didn't even know.

New Vision, so many things I am ready to do, outside of all expected of me. Mountains to trek, The Pacific Crest Trail, I am so ready to morph to my feral self. For a long time I have known, anything faster than a walk and you miss too much. I noticed I walk even slower now, taking in each blade of grass, leaf, pebble, creature, all clothed in colors so divine, highlights, lowlights, shading so glorious and precious.

Too much light mars vision to a murky, blurred unrecognizable mess, glorious detail lost, my cataracts taught me that. 

A universe predicated on deconstruction and construction, this I was born into, under auspicious circumstance, yet my way was made by the love of ancestors before me and a planet that loves me. I have known this since before I can here, its a wisdom that keeps deepening.


We live in a time when patterns of old need to die. We should not be rushing to get back to normal, normal brought us to this place of mourning we know find ourselves in. This depressing state is necessary for soul growth, that is grieving's gift. Life was never meant to be easy fluff. Like Eagle Vision it requires various values of tone, color, shading - only then will you see and not just look.

So many human decisions brought us to this moment of "critical mass". The universe is so patient with our infantile, human addicted ways. It is time to sober and clean up. The soil has long been connected via a biome of trillions of organisms that connect and inform in ways our race will never fully comprehend, that is part of the Great Mystery.

Such a biome should reside within our gut, connecting us to wisdom greater than our human pinhole perception. All other beings know this, that is why we need their tutelage, now more that ever.

GMO"s, glyphosate, alcohol, drugs wreck this intricate network of information from the soil, our bodies, the planet. This planet has amazing healing capabilities, She will be fine without us, we won't. 

This pause has oh so many cures, though corporate greed keeps the masses scared and hooked on its narrow, profiteering promises. What it takes for humans to wake.

What propaganda news does not tell you is there are many visionary souls finding new ways to live, something this pause has forced upon humanity, and rightly so. 

Nature has rebounded in ways She could not have, without the pause. Animals have returned to areas choked by humans, the air has cleared as petrol consumption drops, people in crowed cities can hear sweet bird song and traffic lessened. What a gift to nations other than "human".

Yes, fire and flood abound, connect the dots and see how our imbalance reflects in the Natural World, tempers rage, fever rage, fires rage, for what we do to ourselves, we do to the web. When will we get that?


The Ancients knew, fire like a good fever clears dross and frees thinking from fixed ideas. How else will humanity emancipate from the sell out, dept induced slavery we bought into billed as "freedom"? All life does matter, even the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, the planet Her self. 


Hopefully, this pause will teach humans respect for self, to eat and drink that which does not pollute self and that intricate ability to ruminate; to rest,  as that is how the body and mind heal. Feel, really feel how this glorious planets supports trillions of lives, still gives and wants us to thrive. We all have this precious gift, don't take it for granted by our own small minded, programmed thought patterns.

I stand in the field with the sacred Ponies. From her high throne, the Red Tail Hawk spots the pastel colored thermals, spreads her wings and soars to new heights on what nature provides. She knows herself, her gifts and her limits. She knows her way has been made, just as the ancient blood that  flows through her. The Eagles and Condors do the same, lifting prayer ever higher to the Great Spirit. Great wings spread, effortlessly gliding the tide. Will humans learn such grace and reciprocation of movement with what the world provides?


I step outside and see a world in perfect step with the ancient flow She always had. All the ground dwelling, water born, land and sky beings know this dance. The Ancients knew the Great Spirit spoke to us through them. It feels so right to be here. Thank you!

Shut off the addictive electronics and let the Great Mother and Ancestors speak to your heart. Your way has been made. When the time is right, spread your wings and soar, its your birthright.



  1. Hi Renate,
    So glad to hear the surgery went well! I can't imagine what it must feel like to be able to see again! That was a nice read for me this morning, hopefully some things can continue for the better even as the world seems to be slowly finding its way back to the helter skelter world we put aside for a small amount of time. Hope you are doing well and enjoying the new vision.


    1. Thank you Dan, hope all is well in your world! Take good care!


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