Duane the Dane




It was Aug. 30, 2020, about 12:30 midnight. I was awakened from a deep sleep by the hurried and panicked footfall racing through the fallen leaves in the backyard. 

 The cats looked like Persian cats, their fur so fluffed out, eyes wide in terror, mind you they are short haired cats.

I thought to myself it couldn't be a wild creature, I have never heard such fear in wild feet since we have been here. 

 I suited up and went to check it out. When I got to the den I heard whimpering. I thought to myself one of the little pooches needed to go potty. I turned on the light, only to see the aged pack dead asleep on their favorite cushions. 

 A heavy headed Goldie raised her eyes at me like, "what's going on"? 

 The whimpering continued. Then I spotted an oh so large beast peering in the den windows off the back porch. Oh great, what do we have here.

 I opened the porch light to see the largest dog, a black and white Dane. Toenails worn down, thin, no collar and very panicked. He wanted to force his way into the doorway.

I said "slow down cowboy, I don't know you, I can tell you were dumped and the geriatric group inside doesn't need your surprise right now".

He seemed friendly, though petrified. I set out some water, food and dog bed. I told him if he was there in the morning, we would figure it out. He would be safe on the porch from the wild beasts. Things quieted down.

By morning the beast was still there. I put him in Gene's shop to take the old bunch for their morning walk. Then we worked on figuring out what do with him.

I knew it would be futile to check if he was lost, but on the off chance I did. Everyone was sure, as I, he was dumped. Close to the 1st of the month, desperate times, too big and all...

 The last foundling was Phife the Chihuahua, now a Dane shows up at our door, the universe has one heck of sense of humor! 

He bonded with Gene immediately. My concern was he looked to be just under a year, still a pup, yet most likely close to 100 pounds and still growing.

Known as gentle giants, Duane lived up to the breeds creed. He has been the best thing for Gene, their long walks, weekends on the couch in the man cave watching football, a bond that serves both so well.

Gene bought him sweaters, he gets cold. He looks like a collegiate, I said "he needs a bow tie". Gene found one for him, now he looks like a professor!

 He is the worlds best friend and everyone loves to say hi to his handsome self. Someone, somewhere, threw away a perfectly good dog. Our treasure. The old pack took to him in time, Duane is still trying to win over Phife, those little dictators take a while, but I am sure one day I'll get that pic, Duane and Phife snuggling next to the wood burning stove...

This past Monday was the Winter Solstice, my favorite day/time of the year. I had the most awesome day at a dear friends ranch. I ended the day in the pasture with my sacred ponies, watching the celestial dance of Jupiter and Saturn. Saturn the ruthless taskmaster of truth, Jupiter the ruler of big ideas and opportunity. I had the most profound experience, words will never be enough, it felt huge, complete and oh so right. I can only hope the rest of the world feels it and knows, no matter how unlikely, all is as it should be, however chaotic. Brailling along like the Piskies taught me. Trust life, it all works out. Perfect peace, the sign of true connection to Spirit. May the Great Spirit hold you all in the palm of his hand and grow into that knowing and peace more and more every moment.


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