First Snow 2020


The first year we were here, mid August the first leaf fell from the beloved Maple.
The 1st snow came Dec. 6
The second year we were here, the Maple dropped the first leaf Aug. 1.
The first snow came last Thanksgiving.
This year the Maple dropped her first red leaf mid July. 
I looked up at her and said, "your kidding".
This years first snow came Nov. 7.
We had 2 months of horrid fires this summer. Our normally pristine air permeated with the smell of fire. 
Most were miles away, those local quickly extinguished by Tehachapis' finest.
Mountains surrounding our valley obscured by thick smoke, you couldn't see them.

Despite all we humans do, trees, those lovely entities that connect heaven and earth,
deep roots beneath that reach into ground water, 
boughs stretching heaven bound, taking sun and wind,
cradling babes of all sorts of critters in their sturdy arms,
offering all sorts of healing balms and essences,
giving clues to passerby's that listen. 

I love trees!


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