Mountain Top





You wind up the twisting road. The weekend tourist are all gone, you drive slow. Take your time, take in the sights, you got the mountain to yourself.


The terrain is steep, you marvel at the boulders, pines and oaks that keep ancient time; unmoved by the  altitude or elements, season after season. The secrets they can tell, I listen to their somber voice.

The bear, cougar, deer and others move with ease through the steep inclines, undaunted, it only strengthens their resolve. I need their tutelage.

You reach your destination, remove your shoes to show respect to the mountain. The chipmunk and assorted birds announce to others your arrival. Natures bow wave, She always knows. You really don't walk alone here. A grand smile dresses my face and soul.

You begin your climb, body angled forward, muscles, breath and enchantment engaged. The cold mountain air drives deep into the lowest part of the lungs, burning a bit, as the body bids more oxygen in the altitude. You feel old air and dross expel, the body doesn't quite work as hard at lower elevations. Freshly oxygenated, you recharge, exhilaration emanates your being.


Along way gnarled roots form a tangled base, keeping oaks and pines upright in vertical landscape. A host of hardy plants and critters engage along the way. Periodic rests to recoup and rehydrate keep feet moving along.

You reach the top, the views go on forever, the desert, other mountains, valleys below. You feel a rush that will last for days. The body purged of human gunk, recharged with pristine essence. Nothing compares.


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