Gifts the Raven Brings

"Don't feed the ravens!" A farmer neighbor warned. "They'll eat all your crops!" "It's not like I'm growing edibles" I replied. "And the crops I do grow, they don't touch". She smiled. A rebel child, her uptight religious upbringing dangles reconciliation, evidenced by the upside down cross tattooed on her neck. Her harsh exterior only a facade, to guard her sensitives to nature and self. "You know what I grow will be diluted and made potent". She has benefited from the remedies. "Besides, they only hang out here and next door, they leave your place alone. Don't worry". Raven Medicine, sacred, shapeshift, powerful. The Sacred Bird of the North. Known as a creative force by indigenous people, the bringer of life and order. I think humanity could use a bit of that now. I have long admired the hardiness of these birds. Found in the most extreme temperatures, Death Valley heat, to the tundra's ...