
 Insanity, doesn't even begin to address.

The mass hysteria, with less than a 1% death rate, the world awaits and lines up for an experimental jab. 

Not a vaccine, a fragment of RNA, it needs your own cells to replicate. To hide. In previous animal studies, such shots initially seem helpful, till the wild bug comes along and blows the immune system to attack itself. Unto death. 

No animal study was done on this jab. Those lining up are the study. 

 The same technology that sparked ill health GMO's bring, now within you. Changing you, changing the way your immune system was suppose to operate. What will the long term implications be?

Vaccinosis will take a whole new turn. Most think the initial shock to the system is all to worry about. Homeopaths know, vaccinosis can take months, years to show. 

It will be chronic, deep pathology that bankrupts families as manufactures are not held responsible for damage caused by their product. Often nerve damage, slow, deliberate robbing beings of vitality, motion, thought. Most will never connect the dots. Running from specialist to specialist, never getting an answer, let alone a cure. 

Many in convalescent homes see an uptick in deaths after the jab. Funny, these deaths are always labeled "cause unknown". Numbers so selectively skewed.

 We are told the jab is the only way back to "normal". Yet, once the jab is administered, social distancing and masks are still needed. So how does this get  us back to normal? Stranger yet, why does no one question such asinine mandates? And line up for something so foreign.

Many countries have returned to normal, as we will now know it. Thank goodness not all are buying into this plandemic.  

The PCR test were never meant to diagnose. It tests for fragments of virus and the samples are so small they need to be magnified - the results are unreliable, yet oh so very able to be manipulated. 

Those of us old enough to remember the AIDS  pandemic know 70 million were infected worldwide, 30 million died. No one stopped the world then. Fauci was in charge then. Many in the LGTBQ community know he allowed countless people to die, withholding meds that helped people live in other countries. How the hell does someone like that dupe so many? How is history amnesia so prevalent?

 Cures exist, yet docs have to be creative with diagnose and prescription writing. Some known friends in the field of medicine have lost position. You don't play the game, you don't work. Tenured friends in medicine are walking away, this is not what they signed up for. A stunned public in denial, too deep and dark to fathom.

Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, have helped many recover. Those that know how to work with natural medicine know most clear this without much fanfare. Most countries using original healing have returned to normal. Many are now terrified to see what fate awaits them in hospital halls, the curious seek "alternative care".

 Those working on worldwide lawsuits have traced some interesting roots to this scheme, none of which have any experience in pandemics. If the judicial branch fails us, we won't want to see the next round these architects will want to get away with. Human nature, the bug is nothing compared to this vileness. 

The censorship now in place is a horrid thing to observe. Something many coming from war torn countries know first hand. An entitled public that has never really known hunger will never quite understand. 

 We wonder how holocausts happen time and time again? Very easily one propaganda lie at a time, masses in hysterical denial, and a blow to your base that stuns you into complacency with such fear, you yield to yet another genocide. Governments have been quite good at handing out pox infested blankets. Aude sapere.

Related Reading:

The Pause, The Bug and Healing

 Its Not the Bug


  1. Thanks for this wonderful post - as always! By the way does "Aud de saper" mean "dare to know"...?

    Thanks again :)

    1. Thank you Leila,

      Aude Sapere means dare to be wise. Samuel Hahnemann on the cover of his Organon Of Medicine.

      Be well!

  2. Insanity yes....and no end in sight as far as I can see.
    I'm curious what those who escaped socialism and communism, coming to this country of
    "Freedom" are thinking as they see the freedoms disappearing. We are becoming what they escaped from. There is no one to blame but ourselves. Where are the crowds to stand up against any of this?


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