Till We Meet Again, Sweet Phife

 She was found along the road, a 4th of July weekend, broken legs and all. She was brought home to heal. In no time at all, she ran the family.

A tiny package of mighty chihuahua. When Duane showed up last year - she let him know in short order who ran the pack. It was the funniest thing to see that giant dog cower to little Phife. 

I will always remember the Christmas Eve dinner at our old home. The elder bunch of siblings and spouses gathered around the table after the meal. Phife dressed in her red velvet, white fluffy trim and rhinestone finest. She rested on my lap. My sisters other half wanted to get up and stretch his legs.

Phife eyed him with disapproval. She scanned the room to note no one else was getting up from the table. She gave him a commanding bark to sit down and Mike did. I was sarcastically mimicking her voice - "sit down, I don't see anyone else getting up".  We all had a good chuckle as Mike sat down and acquiesced. I told him, "get up, don't add to her attitude!"

Such a little pistol! If anyone dared to drive down our quiet country road - you can bet she would bark up a storm in protest. How I miss that little voice now.

This past year her face sprouted white hairs. When her constitutional remedy no longer eased her kidney issues, I knew we were down to the wire. She passed with the zeal she always lived her life, family surrounding her. 

Its such a hole something so tiny can leave. Godspeed Phife. Life was graced by our paths entwining. 


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