Welcome New Pack

 My initial plan was to take a long break. My body and mind decided the garden, kitties and ponies were not enough. My bones and mind were not functioning freely. I decided to put out a few applications for a dog.

A few weeks after Goldie's' passing, a long time friend, who's horse also passed unexpectedly just a few days prior had an interesting chat. We noted that this round of saying so long to our beloveds, we were not seeing something dying, we were in a place where we witnessed a soul transition. There is a difference.

Goldie had some profound insights before her return to Spirit. It was a reiteration of what was already brewing in my mind...an amalgamation of what I know, how I live and what life needs of us in these strange days.

I filled out several forms to adopt a new pooch. My what a process that has become! I understand with the failing mentals humanity is experiencing, but we place life at so much risk and infect so much with all our fears!

After weeks, several calls came at once - don't they always???

I had offered to foster a momma and baby Chihuahua. Something in me really wanted a baby Chihuahua. I know, what was I thinking???

After picking them up at our rescue, the shelter approved my application for a older Chihuahua. Of course a momma Doty and Baby Natcho needed an Auntie, or so I thought - so off to Bakersfield I went.

The ride down the 58 was glorious and the traffic light. Sprawling yellow summer grassed hills dotted with grand Oaks gave way to ochre bare hills as the 58 winds down the mountain to the patch-work bountiful fields the San Joaquin provides. 

Some farms were drought struck and fields dry and empty. 

As I drove the old truck to Bakersfield, the air smelled heavily of agricultural chemicals. We are spoiled in our mountain refuge!

The SPCA in Bakersfield was filled to capacity. I was led into a room to meet little Honey. 

A skinny little Chi-doxie seemed to be eager to come home at our introduction.

The paperwork done, a helpful shelter worker told Honey he wished he was adopted and moving to Tehachapi. A small bag of food she was used to and toy accompanied Honey home. 

The ride back up the mountain was uneventful and Honey traveled with ease and eager looks to her new home.

Once home, at the council of a seasoned rescue friend, I had Honey in the shop for a short quarantine. I didn't want the momma and baby to have to deal with parvo or kennel cough. Though the shelter workers said they had no such illness at their facility. 

With a round of shock remedies and then a follow up with their constitutionals, the group soon gathered and melded with an ease like they knew each other. Honey is the perfect Auntie and gives Doty a break when baby Natcho gets to be too much of a spoiled only child!

The best bonus is the whole new pack LOVES DUANE!

The old pack, being elder and special needs, was always careful to keep the over exuberant Duane in check - which he always obliged. He is such a special boy!

He can get a bit overwhelmed with the attention the girls give him - and baby Natcho so wants to play with big brother - but he needs to grow up a bit more, to keep things safe for such a tiny baby with such big ideas!

The best part for me, playing with this happy new little group has so changed how my body and mind feel. 

I had a slow spot for about 2 weeks when these little angels came. It was the best sta-cation ever! I was completely immersed in learning the new packs say, my favorite space to be.

Integrating the little group and getting us all on the same page. I know myself, the deeper I immerse into the wisdom of creatures and the planet, the more my body feels at peace and moves with ease. Welcome New Pack!


  1. Honey's name suits her appearance. The 3 of them together look so content. Congratulations on your new family Renate!


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