The Serendipity of the Season


An interesting year its been.

I broke my wrist in March. Thanks to the help of Gene, neighbors, friends, clients and remedies a very speedy healing occurred. As long as I can trim my ponies feet and stack hay - I'm good. My hand continues to regain the finer points of dexterity as I am reacquainting myself with art. Been away from that way too long.

Squeezed in quite a few visits with the wild herd, even had a few folks from LA join in. It is a magical experience to soak in the peace of the valley the wild herd habits and the pure energy such beings, in charge of their own volition, can impart. No need to die, I found heaven.

The last of the old pack passed. Goldie finally met with the spirit pack. A new band of 3 Chihuahuas, Momma Doty, Baby Natcho and Aunty Honey joined Solandana. Duane has canine family that adores him!

The ponies, aged yet going strong, sing the changes of seasons and being in the pasture with them and all the surrounding wildlife feeds the soul.

The land got a break this year. Water in short supply, what little did grow in the garden was eaten by wildlife. Time to give back.

Aside from the wild herd of horses, I got to soak in the midst of a herd of deer up at the mountain and a herd of elk, near our lake. Not to mention the migrating birds one sees. It is a gift to be alive!

A final feline friend joined the dynamics of Solandana. A neighbor found a kitten attacked by some canine. I picked her up and she is healing speedily. Her personality is so sweet, Sweet Stubbins is slowly warming up to the 2 indoor cats, Giselle and Schwartzie. The 3 outdoor feral kitties Phantom, Brishkoolee and Teddy keep the place rodent free. 

I keep thinking of Lena, my baby girl raccoon. She past away Christmas Eve 2013. I have had too many detours and need to put the finishing touches on their book. This will be my main focus for 2023.


A dear friend called recently, adopting a momma and baby shepherd that were shelter bound. This little pack brought friends and family together like no one could imagine - just trust life, it always knows. The serendipity of the Season can be found all year long - if we see and not just look. 

May your Holy Days be filled with rest the Season demands and connections that feed your soul!

All the best for 2023!

Related Reading: Stillness


  1. Just beautiful Renate. I love your pics! You are quite the photographer as well as blogger. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you JJ - the land and wildlife lend itself to great pics! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year friend!


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