A Good Omen

 They are known as Hawk Moths, Sphinx Moth, Hummingbird Moths.

The first time I saw one was back in our old home in Los Angeles. 
It was dusk, I was watering. I thought it was a humming bird on a lavender bush, 
but the flight was different. 
Then I noted it was a moth. It came in a low point in life. The sight of the rare creature lifted me. 
It is said people in Europe sighted many of these blessed beings, 
just before the Allied forces liberated Europe.

This little creature showed up the morning of the Maui fires.
She allowed me to take many pictures of her.
That evening I heard sirens and the chopper. 
I opened our door and saw flames across the street. 
The fire chief lives up the street from us, the crew and helicopter water drops made short order of the fire.
We live close to the lake.
Neighbors showed up with shovels to help if needed.
Gave me peace as I watched the embers float through the sky.
We live in a most ideal place with such sweet people.
May this little blessed creature bring us all a good omen.

For more info on Sphinx Moths


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