The Pause, The Bug and Healing.

 Observations during lock down:

Freedom is fickle and dependent on the whole.

Early on the Biotech Company Abbvie had a commercial, telling us that “the best way to predict the future is to create it”. That’s pretty “in your face”. The commercial didn’t air for long, yet for me, it was chilling and telling. It has long been known computers generate algorithms to predict buying tendencies. This pandemic has had huge payoffs for some, catastrophic for others. As a friend of mine once said, humanity has become a commodity. The public pulled by the nose ring, dependent on corporate greed and desire to control the masses and spending habits. Follow the money, you get your answer.

Disease, wars, opioids, starvation, etc., have killed so many, yet never has there been such measures taken to pause. What makes this circumstance so different?

For years one has observed people taking one bite of a meal, and then throwing the rest out. An animal gave its life for many such meals, a spoiled and wasteful public oblivious.

Things to ponder when shelves are empty and food lines are long.

Crops are being plowed under as there are not immigrants to harvest.
California and its large farms have great interdependence on such alliances. The rest of the country is finding out, time to ponder attitudes towards immigrants and our world of “globalization”.

Slaughter houses shut down. Another cruel irony of humans, millions of creatures have been euthanized, as there is no means to “process” them, this while millions out of work wait in food lines. We need to change so many of our wanton ways.

The pause forces us to assess what it takes to feed one person, a family, a community and the holographed orchestration it takes to fuel dreams. No one does anything alone.

Travel stopped. In smog laden countries many can see mountains obscured by smog and hear birds sing for the first time in decades as the hum of vehicles is silenced. Last year, people trampled poppy fields and farmers blooming fields to get the perfect selfie, now, with respect, you watch from home. More sea turtles have been born this year as beaches are finally theirs for the sacred act of spawn. Nature holds the key to restore, when given consideration and respect, She is our greatest instructor.

There is speculation that an economy based on the petro dollar is coming to a close. That’s a mighty big shark at play to shut down that industry.

On many levels, our world should never be the same again. Normal is what got us here. I do hope humans wake and learn to work from different patterns.

Observations on the “Bug”

This bug binds to receptor sites in cells where hemoglobin should dock to exchange oxygen. The bug blocks this exchange. The lung tissue crystallizes like those in vaping deaths.

The body becomes oxygen deprived; organ failure ensues as does systemic inflammation. The bone marrow pumps more red blood cells trying to help. The patient dies of CO2 poisoning while drowning in their own blood, quite diabolical. The blood clots so severe, they clog dialysis machines.

The bought media tells us this bug was not lab created, yet a center in India found bits of HIV in this strain of Corona. Prior, this bug had always cause intestinal distress…not anymore. Such leaps are highly unlikely to occur naturally. The independent lab that published these findings was forced to withdraw it. So much for freedom of speech and shared information.

Dr. Judith Mikovits co-authored a book, “Plague”. In it, she paints a very dubious picture of her fellow colleague, Dr. Fauci. For her outspokenness, she was jailed without due process. When the gag order was lifted, her life mission is to educate doctors about cures that do exist, yet never see the masses, as there is no profit in them.

For example, Cuba has a lung cancer vaccine that gives people 10 years or more of good quality life. Many Americans that know of this lung cancer treatment travel to Cuba for treatment as the US offers no such advances.

Epidemics and pandemics have long been and will be part of the balance cycle this world revolves on. It is long known, wars, famines, weather events and economic downturns have predicated epidemics and pandemics. History amnesia makes human populace vulnerable.

Before the Black Plague hit Europe and killed millions, the banks shut down. Any researcher worth their salt should know such events and their connection to epidemics/pandemics if their search for cure is earnest. The lock down insures virulent recurrences, history repeats itself. When will we wake?

If science is as pure as the media makes it to be, shouldn’t researchers also take into consideration the role that medications that “lower your ability to fight infection” play?  As well as drugs that “suddenly affect lung function”? That would be true scientific research.

Last autumn we were warned of epidemic deaths from vaping. What happened to that? There are many in holistic health that feel this is a major drug reaction, the bug being the opportunist in very depleted and clogged bodies.

This is why homeopaths know it’s not the bug. When the vital force, than innate animator of body is weakened, pathogens take hold. Any science that fails to address this basic function of soul and body is doomed.

No studies have ever been done testing how all the meds and chemical managing folks engage in affect each other or the body. How many drugs list “sudden inability to breath”, “lowered ability to fight infection”, “blood clots”, “kidney failure” – isn’t that what we are seeing? The most vulnerable, those on the most meds…

This event caused humans to unplug from everything our egos thrive on. Most have been indoctrinated to equate worth with work, purpose, etc. This pause has been most beneficial to have us learn soul worth independent of outside influence.

The fact that many find themselves in food lines, through no fault of their own is a devastating blow to a beings vital force. This is key to susceptibility.

As millions now find themselves without work, this will be a key piece as the virus makes a comeback. The tools most use to cope, rendered useless, time to learn new skills. The lock down, the shutdowns, the economic hardships are all major factors to insure a second and more hostile wave. Any epidemiologist that studied the history of pandemics knows this. What a horrid burden to put on the world.

The isolation the lock down demands additionally weakens the vital force. Interaction not only feeds our intellect, but stimulates our immune system, not to mention feeding our soul purpose. This is something a vaccine will never know how to address.

Many of us have noted suicides and later starvation will kill more than this virus. No media mentions these numbers.

In Hahnemanns’ Lesser Writings he speaks to doctors and nurses how to protect their wesen, or being. He mentions how he recommended that doctors and caretakers first poke their heads in the sick room, to be exposed to the wesen or miasma of the disease. Think of it as an etheric plasma (belonging to the disease) that permeates the air and clings to beings. He knew this etheric plasma stuck to the caretakers being. He attributed this to spreading disease; remember he cured epidemics and pandemics before the germ theory existed. This is why ancient man “smudged”, to clear this miasma, the taint that precedes the disease.

He urged doctors and caretakers to then take a walk, drink some tea, do something to strengthen their vital force, after that initial peeking in the sickroom. This would keep them strong and able to work through the crisis. Does such respect to the healing process even exist anymore, for Doctor, caretakers or patient?

PPE is only the beginning of a much deeper labyrinth.

As a homeopath, the first thing I ask clients is “was there any emotional upset before the onset of illness”?

Now you are beginning to see this as a homeopath. The web of life is not linear; it is holographic, life connects in more ways than our human pinhole perception will ever know. Its’ never the “bug”, only a weakened vital force that allows susceptibility; fear equals susceptibility. Will we as a race ever grow into that knowing?

So many have been prematurely buried these past few years because of GMO, glyphosate and vaccine damage and all the ill health it fuels. These corrode the gut and arrest the mind, keeping the frontal lobes from developing fully into considerate thought verses the infantile solutions the amygdala provides; just as chemical management does, they high-jack the mind. Mine is not a sole voice, but as a collective, we need to speak up and this agenda needs to fall on its own sword. It’s been a holocaust for decades now. This pause forces a strong wake up humanity. Neither political party address this major failing in health systems, neither stopped it. In a free country, the public got no vote on such a critically important issue. Corporate owned governments run the show, the divide and conquer motto of colonialism incites infighting that often kills more than any virus. Yet humans refuse to wake and see.

The Affordable Care Act wasn’t affordable, yet a public locked in the Cancer Miasm could not say shit even with a mouth full of it. What kind of world would be in now if people just said no and meant it as their insurance rates went through the roof? As a collective humanity has that power. Subsidizing over inflated insurance plans is not a solution to corporate greed. It is big business owning politics. Big business knows it can pull the public by the nose ring. So many hands went into creating this pandemic, though most will never know or admit…

The homeopathic community has been around for hundreds of years. In the flu epidemic of 1918 the mortality rate in homeopathic hospitals was 1 to 2 %.  Conventional hospitals were 40 to 80 % mortality rate. Hahnemann was unable to collude with the harmful medical processes of his day; he would cringe to see what is going on now.

In our art are many true scientist, findings are shared globally; this is why I write this. As a collective, humanity more than ever needs to know there is bought science, and then there is evidence based results. Many in the medical field seek to unburden their souls to us; this piece gives voice to their woes.

WE are all overwhelmed, we are all burned out, but if humanity keeps up its addicted denial of what should be made peace with and composted, we will never grow out of these sick cycles of miasmic corruption on our hard drives that keep repeating.

The fact that so many experts are contradicting themselves is a sign of false science. From the beginning plane loads of sick traveled with those not ill. Similarly COVID patients were not given an isolated ward, but traveled up and down hospital floors, no isolated air circulating systems, etc. Health workers did not have proper PPE. How do experts allow such sloppy management and yet expect the public to believe them? We won’t even go into the many sides of their mouths that politicians in both parties speak.

 The basic tenants of homeopathy are the same for over 200 years. The principles that guided cure in Hahnemanns' time, are principles that still guide homeopaths today. Its 2020 and no cure exists for COVID? Horsepucky!

The architects of Obamacare have written discussions about which life is worth saving and which isn’t. As Doctors and nurses are fast tracked to meet the demands, these newbies are faced with such harsh questions under MASH like triage. With no or limited treatment, or so we are told, who is deemed worthy of a dose? Who is out of luck? Is this really healing?

Joe Biden was the architect of the Patriot Act; the liberties lost that 9/11 have never been recovered. With consideration to the above paragraph about the Affordable Care Act, this pandemic put a whole new nail in the coffin of lost freedoms, worldwide.

Incongruence  fueling public mistrust abound. The fact a New World Order was ushered in without firing a shot has un-nerved most. The public tries to accommodate asinine loss of liberty. The problem with the lock down theory is eventually you open and the bug continues its work, because the vital force has been so destabilized.  Public unrest thrives, a centuries long, boring repetition of patterns that don’t work continues; please wake.

It is so disheartening to know there are very effective ways to heal, yet voices not in line with corporate greed get silenced, dismissed and ridiculed.


This past year’s Joint American Homeopathic Conference was held on line, it was heartbreaking to see the amount of global, talented and learned scholars and researchers in our field muzzled and struggling to find words as they were told not use the words “cure”, “prescription”, etc., it is vile what has happened to America.

Luc Montagnier, MD, PHD, virologist and Nobel Laureate, scholar and researcher was one of the many fine individuals to address us. His presentation, research and commitment to healing is mind blowing in these pandemic times. He discovered the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, his knowledge of viruses is stunning. Too much to go into here, but so worth knowing. There are cures, yet we are told vaccines are the only way back to normal.

The death rate from this pandemic remains very low, despite all the hype. Starvation has killed more people globally, 9 milllion by some years’ estimates. Crops in Africa this year were not sprayed to allay the usual locust swarms. This insures more people will die of starvation in the year to come.

Africas’ COVID death rate was very low, yet more people died of police brutality in Africa during the lock down, do not these lives matter?

India has a long tradition of using homeopathy as it is cost effective and works. Dr. Chetna along with many others have evidence based documentation of her homeopathic protocol as well as blood tests and chest x-rays showing the progress of her COVID patients. We are in times where all need to work together, bodies are under such assault.

Her protocol includes the use of homeopathic COVID nosode, Ozone 30c, the tissue salt Kali. Mur. 6X, known to breakdown fibrin, in addition to the constitutional remedy of the individual. With this protocol cases recover quickly and without the sequalae, or “never been well since” that linger after many recover from this bug.  

We are now isolated from family if we end up in the hospital. There is no chance to advocate for loved ones outside of triage like care. For those affected by the “never been well since” the COVID, homeopathy greatly helps in these cases to fully regain health.

In 2016 Los Angeles Equestrian Center was under quarantine for Herpes Virus outbreak. Horses were exhibiting neurological and respiratory issues. Interesting, those showing symptoms were not to be vaccinated, as per the head Veterinarian from Davis, at the time. Many that made it through suffered “never been well since” the virus, easy susceptibility to respiratory issues, fevers, of course caretakers were worried sick about any symptoms and the consequence there of. Those that procured homeopathy cleared this sequalae. It takes time, we have so weakened the vital force of all beings, but it is possible.

Interesting of note, many homeopaths, self included,  have noted this “sudden inability to breathe” about a year or two before this pandemic. Most were coded as having pneumonia, yet when questioned, it wasn’t what would typically present as pneumonia. There was dry cough, lowered blood oxygen levels, seemed more like anaphylaxis. Homeopathy restored those willing to work through it. 

This sudden inability to breath is a side effect of many medications, which also cause the glass-like scarring of the lung tissue. Undaunted, Dr. Chetna's work shows how this can be cleared with homeopathy, as does the work of many others.

People need to know this. I struggled with putting this to paper as so many in our field of holistic health have suffered repercussions in these days of asinine information. It is demoralizing to see people suffer needlessly, on a global scale. The death rate from this virus is very low compared to so many other issues that should warrant this amount of attention. The economic fall out, suicide rates and starvation will most likely kill more than the virus. A great many of us noted suicide rates due to anguish and despair caused by the isolation and loss of freedoms and finance have killed more in local death rates than the virus itself.

And now, the FDA wants to do away with homeopathy. While this has been in the works for a while, this is all culminating into a very ugly and discouraging scene here in America.

Wide spread testing, while very unreliable, shows the rates increasing. The PCR tests for viral fragments, not viral load. A critical difference as it takes a huge viral load to come down with the disease, while viral fragments most likey mean herd immunity has occurred.

We hear much about “herd immunity” and while the narrative is only a vaccine can provide this, it seems nature is taking its course, as it always does. When lock down lifts, the virus continues its work. Most do recover, even hospitals send most home. The ones at most risk are the most ill and compromised. Herd immunity is emerging, that is Natures’ way.

While we are told a vaccine is the only way back to “normal”, I want you to keep a few things in mind. Most vaccines take years to develop and test. Many are very wary of taking this new, rushed product. If vaccine manufactures want the public to take serious the safety and effectiveness of this product, the solution is so simple, repeal the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act law which President Reagan wrote into law back in the 1986, that keeps vaccine manufactures from being sued if the product cause harm. Yes, you read right, if vaccine damage occurs, you are on your own. Homeopaths know much about vaccine induced damage and thankfully we have remedies to remediate, but what will happen if our gift is outlawed by FDA?

It is also important to note most vaccines become available after the disease has already run its course. History has also shown us this. All this is old news and I don’t want to add anymore stress than this world is already under. Many people will be overwhelmed and deny the gut feel that something here is seriously off kilter. But we as a collective really need to step up and at least know better. If we have capacity to act on it, however spirit calls, so much the better.

Also worth knowing not one study exists that follows the immunity or health of vaccinated verses unvaccinated, that should speak volumes.

There is a group of attorneys in Germany that brought the entire VW smog software fraud to light. They and other attorneys world wide are working with others to see if the Nuremberg Code can apply to the global suffering endured by millions as this condition unfolds. Yes, computers and software can be tampered with in this brave new world. It will be interesting to see what comes of this.

While many of our remedies address the virus and sequalae or aftermath of this disease, homeopathic Ozone seems to be a big player as we emerge from this. One of the main rubrics “I can’t breathe”. Sound familiar?

Our world chokes on man made pollutants. Fires rage on all continents, the small, lung clogging fragments drift world wide piling additional inflammation to already struggling beings. It’s like the entire world is getting an ancient smudge to clear our clogged energy fields. This adds additional challenges for most, so weakened has our vital force become.

Our little valley is generally pristine and clear, this summer with raging fires, mountains on either side of our valley could not be seen the smoke so heavy. For 2 months the smell of burning fire permeated the atmosphere. This is happening on many continents.

Many people feel unheard, choked for centuries now. I believe on a very deep level, this is the core of resistance to mask wearing, it is so indicative of being muzzled. In many countries, life has returned to normal, no masks, large gatherings are allow, concerts and all. There is no spike in deaths or COVID cases, even in Wu Han. Why is America so third world compared to others that are not putting their public though such life killing means?

Ozone has been permeated for decades now, that fragile bubble that keeps our planet safe. No wonder we can’t breathe. Our shells have been fractured and fragile for oh so long, those that have the gift of homeopathic Ozone feel a relief in these choking times, to breath, to be heard. I  so love homeopathy!

Several of the Bach Flower Essences will be of great gift as well, for those despondent and discouraged from being knocked down Gentian provides optimism and perseverance. For extreme hopelessness, despair and pessimism, Gorse brings positive faith and hope certain to overcome difficulties. For deep gloom, melancholy Mustard offers unshakeable inner serenity and constant stability.  And for extreme anguish, desolation, Sweet Chestnut brings faith that the unbearable anguish is a necessary experience, but once gained will soon dissipate. These are such a gentle gift to humanity in these days.

Many other remedies and flower essences may apply, they are a staple for balance. This is where the distance work can be of great service to many in this year of reflection.

At the very least, I want people know there are options. Its 2020, science and the bought media tells us a very limited tale, by golly, we should demand more than isolation, lock downs, hand washing and masks, yes we do deserve better than destabilizing scare tactics.

And there is more, for those that exercise free will. May it always be so.

Thank you Herr Hahnemann, may your gift to humanity thrive.

Link to Dr. Chetna's Research:

Other Related Reading:

Its Not the Bug



  1. OMG, so well written and full information. Thank you, Renate))))

  2. You are a gift and your words profound. THANK YOU endlessly!

    1. Thank you Yasmin, all the best to you and your precious clan!

  3. This is a beautiful piece Renate. I loved it.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours... love JJ

    1. Thank you JJ, Merry Christmas and blessed 2021 to you and yours!


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